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February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Devising urban food security policy for African cities

This policy brief focusses on policy development to guarantee food security for urban families. The countryside is not the same as the city, yet too often policy confuses the two. To identify what policy strategies would be most effective, stakeholders should conduct surveys at the household level that involve inquiries on education, food affordability and household size. »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Opportunities for strengthening gender and social equity in Ethiopia’s wheat sector

This report outlines how an insufficient focus on the barriers women face continues to have a significant impact on the agricultural productivity, economic growth and food security in Ethiopia. Many government and project partners do not know how to assist with the social and gender norm changes necessary to ensure women can benefit from development equitably. »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Vegetable business and smallholders’ food security: Empirical findings from Northern Ethiopia

This article aims to answer the question is whether market-oriented vegetable production will actually help farmers to become more food secure. The results show that a farmer’s participation in the vegetable business increased significantly with adequate household productive resources, cooperative memberships and access to extension services. While Ethiopia is going ahead with inclusive market-driven approaches to food security, alternative mechanisms must be put in place to address the negative impacts and to empower those living in the most vulnerable conditions. »

February 27, 2019Knowledge Portal
Determinants of the competitiveness of smallholder African indigenous vegetable farmers in high-value agro-food chains in Kenya: A multivariate probit regression analysis

This study aims at determining the main role of households’ capitals, institutional, and access-related factors in conditioning the decision of smallholder farmers of African indigenous vegetables (AIVs) to access pillars of competitiveness in high-value market chains (HVMCs). The results suggest that about two thirds of smallholder AIV farmers had access to at least one pillar of competitiveness in HVMCs. »

February 26, 2019Knowledge Portal
Digital pathways for youth in agriculture: AFA Case Study

This case study aimed to identify successful pathways for youth livelihoods in agriculture. The study defines 4 youth personas that vary along key demographic, behavioural and attitudinal criteria, which reveals unique pathways to success in agriculture. »

February 26, 2019Knowledge Portal
African indigenous vegetable seed systems in Western Kenya

This study collected seed samples and survey data from 127 farmers in western Kenya on their African indigenous vegetable (AIV) seed production practices, uses of AIV seed, and motivations for growing seed. This study speaks to the importance of using localized information to develop programs for improving informal seed systems and continuing to employ gender-sensitive and transformative activities. »