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March 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Urban Food Deserts: Perspectives from the Global South

This special issue calls for both empirical studies and theoretical discussions of urban food deserts in the Global South, with a focus on a broad range of issues such as food accessibility, food affordability, urban food sources, informal food economies, supermarketization and the food security characteristics and consequences of food deserts, as well as urban policies that contribute to or mitigate the existence and development of food deserts. »

March 6, 2019Knowledge Portal
Contract farming in Mozambique: Implications on gender inequalities within across rural households

This paper analyses the implication of contract farming on gender inequalities, both within and across households, in rural Mozambique. Emerging market opportunities per se do not mean that women will be necessarily included and empowered, or that gender inequalities will be reduced. »

March 6, 2019Knowledge Portal
Crop receipts: A new financing instrument for Africa

This study aims to enhance knowledge about Crop Receipts (CRs) and provide guidance to stakeholders engaged in agricultural finance in Africa on how CRs might be adapted for and introduced in Africa. A CR is a bond issued by a farmer or farmer organization to deliver a certain amount of farm produce (crop or livestock) or the cash equivalent thereof at a future date. »

March 4, 2019Knowledge Portal
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide agricultural advice to smallholder farmers: Experimental evidence from Uganda

This discussion paper evaluates the effectiveness of an information and communication technology (ICT) mediated approach to deliver agricultural information in a field experiment conducted among small-scale maize farmers in eastern Uganda. Results showed that video is effective in delivering information. However, the incremental effects of IVR and SMS technologies were found to be limited. »

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Income variability, evolving diets and demand for processed foods in Nigeria

This report presents evidence on evolving dietary patterns in Nigeria. Research revealed a complex and nuanced picture of consumer demand for processed foods. Consumption of highly processed foods at home has been decreasing over time in Nigeria. Furthermore, though consumption of food eaten away from home has increased, much about that food is unknown. »

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Contributions of livestock-derived foods to nutrient supply under changing demand in low- and middle-income countries

This paper assesses the contribution of livestock to the food and nutrient supply of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by presenting a case study of eight countries. For almost all the countries and under a range of scenarios of economic and climatic change in 2050, it is found that per capita protein supply from livestock-derived food (LDF) will increase relative to that from plant sources. »