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April 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food traceability in the domestic horticulture sector in Kenya: An overview

This study aimed to review the available tracebility systems and identify the best options for the domestic horticulture suppy chain in Kenya with the goal to provide food safety and quality assurance. raceability systems help deliver tailored goods and services to the consumers and are an evidence of value, especially in terms of quality and safety of the product. »

April 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Sustainable aquaculture developments in Kenya

The first report provides an overview of how the Kenyan aquaculture sector performs in three analytical domains: the robustness of the supply chain, the reliability of institutional governance and the resilience of the innovation system. Another report compared the successful commercial aquaculture sector in Egypt, Nigeria and Ghana resulting in lessons for Kenya. »

April 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Mother’s nutrition-related knowledge and child nutrition outcomes: Empirical evidence from Nigeria

This paper investigates the association of mother’s nutrition-related knowledge with nutrition outcomes of young children living in rural Nigeria and whether mother’s education has a complementary effect on such knowledge in producing positive child nutrition outcomes in such settings. The study found that mother’s knowledge is independently and positively associated with HAZ (height-for-age) and WHZ (weight-for-height) z-scores in young children. »

April 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Genetic improvement in dromedary camels: Challenges and opportunities

This expert opinion states that camels have a large potential that is underutilized due to technical, logistic, political and economic challenges and genetic improvement is required. Camels are poised to be an excellent candidate species for production, due to their unique physiology and in light of climate change impact on ecosystems. However, to harness their potential, an improved understanding of the genetics underlying their unique biology is needed. Further, added value products need to be produced and smart marketing strategies need to be adopted to increase the value of camel products »

April 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Facilitating next-generation African, Caribbean and Pacific agriculture through youth entrepreneurship, job creation and digitalisation

This workshop identified critical success factors for rural entrepreneurship and job creation and resulted in two briefs. The first argues that outh-inclusive investments to modernise the agricultural sector will unleash its huge potential. The second explores the challenges and opportunities facing young people trying to enter the agricultural and agribusiness sector. »

April 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Inclusive businesses in agriculture: Defining the concept and its complex and evolving partnership structures in the field

This paper aims to provide a more precise insight into Inclusive Businesses (IBs), from a conceptual perspective and from a more practical one when implemented. Results show that whereas multiple-instrument IBs do obtain improved inclusiveness of low-income communities and smallholder farmers in commercial value chains, issues related to corporate control over resources, lack of knowledge transfer and marginal benefits remain. »