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ARF-3 final factsheet: BUNCH2Scale
October 29, 2020Research project
ARF-3 final factsheet: BUNCH2Scale

This ARF project has been finalized and research findings are available in this final factsheet. Main results include: producing biochar-based fertilizer on small farms was easy to learn; and yield benefits were large and consistent across crop types and production methods. »

September 30, 2020Knowledge Portal
Nutrition-sensitive investments in agriculture and food systems

This publication outlines methods and actions for countries to monitor nutrition-related spending in agriculture and food systems. To collect finance data in agriculture and food systems, the steps to follow include: Step 1 – Identification; Step 2 – Categorization; Step 3 – Vetting and Inclusion. »

GCP-3 midterm factsheet: Scaling up NSA in Vietnam and Laos
July 9, 2020Research project
GCP-3 midterm factsheet: Scaling up NSA in Vietnam and Laos

“Scaling-up nutrition-sensitive agricultural initiatives in Vietnam and Lao PDR” is a Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project which received funding in the third Call. The project has published its midterm findings. »

December 5, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems and nutrition: Emerging evidence and research opportunities

This review identified opportunities for action that could contribute to systemic change that improves diet quality, particularly for nutritionally vulnerable people in low income settings. The review summarizes research findings and presents future research opportunities, as well as several cross-cutting issues that have implications across the food system. »

October 8, 2019Knowledge Portal
The agriculture-nutrition-income nexus in Fiji

To increase rural people’s access to nutritious and healthy food in Fiji, CTA analysed the agricultural sector and came up with several key recommendations. Key strategies include: Create an enabling environment for the agriculture-nutrition nexus. Support evidence-based policy and planning. Promote nutrition-sensitive value chains to improve accessibility of nutritious food products. Improve multi-sector co-ordination of food and nutrition security policy. Mainstream nutrition into national sectoral policies and action plans. »

September 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Supporting nutrition-sensitive agriculture through neglected and underutilized species

This book presents a new operational framework that sets out how using a diversified range of crop species and varieties can put nutrition back into our food production system. Neglected and underutilized species (NUS) and the traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples associated with the use of NUS and wild edibles are important for fighting food and nutrition insecurity, especially in the context of climate change. »