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June 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Foreign development investment and supply chains in horticulture: Diversifying exports and reducing poverty

This working paper looks into supply chain creation in horticulture in Africa, Latin America and other developing regions. It demonstrates that expansion of international investment in horticultural supply chains offers significant potential for export diversification and poverty reduction. »

June 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Post-harvest losses: Global scale, solutions, and relevance to Ghana

This report focuses on post-harvest losses (PHL) in the horticulture sector of Ghana to quantify the extent and drives of loss of specific crops in specific contexts to identify the most cost-effective solution. Horticulture has great growth potential in Ghana, so returns to PHL prevention are expected to be high. »

May 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
Opportunities of urban horticulture for poverty alleviation in Dar es Salaam city, Tanzania

This study was conducted to explore to opportunities of the urban agriculture focusing on vegetables and ornamental flowers production towards poverty reduction and alleviation in Dar es Salaam. Urban agriculture reveals to play a significant role towards reducing and alleviating the poverty. »

April 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Farmers’ perspectives: Impact of climate change on African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya

This study aims to understand farmers’ perceptions of how the climate is changing is vital to anticipating its impacts. Famers were aware of the moderate effect of climate on AIVs. The current volatility in rainfall patterns has made it difficult for farmers to plan their cropping calendare to suit the changes. »

Vacancies at HAS University of Applied Sciences
March 22, 2018News
Vacancies at HAS University of Applied Sciences

HAS University of Applied Sciences has two vacancies, Lecturer Crop Production Systems and Lecturer International Agri-food Marketing. Location is ‘s-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands, the appointment is for 0.8 fte, initially for one year, leading to a permanent appointment following a positive appraisal. Application deadline for both vacancies is April 2, 2018 HAS University of Applied »

March 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
Competitiveness of the Ghanaian vegetable sector: Findings from a farmer survey

This study looks broadly at the state of vegetable competitiveness in Ghana; focusing on trade, production, profitability, and marketing. Ghana depends on import to meet local consumption requirements of horticulture foods. Seasonality is one reason that vegetable production cannot meet local demand. »