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food security policy

Steering towards greater resilience of food production systems and ecosystems
June 27, 2018Expert opinion
Steering towards greater resilience of food production systems and ecosystems
Theme: Food Systems Approach

Breakout session 4 of IOB public dialogue Dutch food security policy on May 31, 2018. Dutch food security policy should seek solutions for long-term challenges to sustainability. A holistic, locally embedded and inclusive approach, aiming for improved resilience of both food production systems and their ecosystems. »

F&BKP newsletter June 2018 (#03)
June 15, 2018News
F&BKP newsletter June 2018 (#03)

In the June newsletter the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) presents reports on several workshops and draws attention to the F&BKP highlights of 2017, including important achievements in all main activities: Strategic partnerships, Research & innovation, and Knowledge Portal. »

Video impression
June 14, 2018Knowledge activity
Video impression “Dialogue on review Dutch food security policy”

Please watch the video impression of the public dialogue about the IOB report “Food for thought. Review of Dutch food security policy 2012-2016”. The event took place on May 31 in Wageningen and was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP). »

June 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
The role of crop diversification in improving household food security in central Malawi

This paper investigates the influence of crop diversification and other household socioeconomic characteristics on improving household food security in central Malawi. Results show that higher crop diversification intensities are more likely to have a diverse diet. »

May 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Future of food: Maximizing finance for development in agricultural value chains

This paper provides important details on maximizing finance for development in agricultural value chains. It highlights financing gaps, identifies a range of potential funding sources, and suggests possible actions to help crowd-in more private investment, while optimizing the use of public resources.  »

IOB – Review of Dutch food security policy 2012-2016
May 8, 2018News
IOB – Review of Dutch food security policy 2012-2016

The Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has presented its review results of the Dutch food security policy in the period 2012-2016. IOB assessed the contribution of the Dutch food security policy to higher agricultural production and farm incomes, better access to nutrition and an enabling business environment. »