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Follow the Food participation in the African Landscape Dialogue
April 13, 2017Research project
Follow the Food participation in the African Landscape Dialogue

On March 7, 2017, the GCP-2 project Follow the Food presented a research poster at the “African Landscape Dialogue” conference in Addis Ababa. About 140 policy makers, development workers and companies discussed and learned from different landscape initiatives across the African continent. »

March 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Mapping of beef, sheep and goat food systems in Nairobi: A framework for policy making and the identification of structural vulneralbilities and deficiencies

In this article the authors map the Nairobi beef, sheep and goat systems structure and flows to identify deficiencies and vulnerabilities to shocks. Nairobi is a large rapidly-growing city whose demand for beef, mutton and goat products is expected to double by 2030. A mapping analysis was done in three different dimensions: people and product profiling (interactions of people and products), geographical (routes of animals and products) and temporal mapping (seasonal fluctuations). »

February 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Addressing the gender differentiated investment risks to climate-smart agriculture

This article argues that closing the gender gap in land and other productive resources can provide a “triple dividend” of gender equality, food security and climate management. It can thus offer a cost-effective approach to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals. Since the growing literature on the gender gap aims to better quantify its implications for agricultural productivity but does not provide a framework to prioritize policy responses, this article focuses on the latter aspect of the problem. »

Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality
November 17, 2016News
Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality

In the context of the MoU “Food for All’ signed in 2015 between the World Bank Group and the Netherlands, a strategic secondment of a Senior Advisor Food Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands takes place to the World Bank Agriculture Global Practice. Mr. Wijnand Van IJssel has been selected for »

November 15, 2016Knowledge Portal
Trade, food security, and the 2030 Agenda

This report explores the contribution that trade and trade policy could make to the hunger and malnutrition objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The paper looks at past progress and projected trends, and examines options for government action in the years ahead. Projections indicate that governments must now go beyond a “business as usual” approach if the new hunger and nutrition goals are to be achieved. »

Dutch Development Results 2015: Food and Nutrition Security highlights
September 29, 2016News
Dutch Development Results 2015: Food and Nutrition Security highlights

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released an online magazine which highlights results of their development agenda. It captures the contribution the Netherlands has made in 2015 to ban poverty and promote sustainable and inclusive growth around the world through the combined agenda for aid, trade and investment. In 2015, the Food and Nutrition »