Vanessa Nigten

Profile picture of Vanessa

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

Senior Knowledge Broker

Bio / Specialization

Vanessa Nigten is a dedicated result-oriented global sustainable inclusive development knowledge specialist. Since 2013, from The Broker, she works as a knowledge broker in the F&BKP Office. She is experienced in building strategic international multilevel, multi-actor knowledge linkages to improve development policies and practices, in particular in the field of Food and  Nutrition Security. Vanessa is well-versed in Dutch and international development policies.

She gained her theoretical and practical experience at The Broker, an independent knowledge broker journalistic organization on globalization and inclusive sustainable development that brings together cutting-edge knowledge and expert opinions from researchers, policymakers and practitioners. And before at the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), Partos (the umbrella organization for Dutch NGOs), the Dutch expertise and advisory centre for citizenship and international cooperation (NCDO), and the JongOS network for young professionals in development cooperation. Vanessa has a background in Sociology and Public Administration (University of Amsterdam), with focus on the Dutch Parliament, Burkina Faso and Citizenship.


Initiatives to combat food wastage: a waste of time?

The recently published F&BKP report on food wastage shows that a significant decline in food wastage will not automatically improve food security. There may be a positive impact on resource efficiency and general food availability in the long term but aspects such as food access, utilization and stability in developing countries will not improve at »

F&BKP Report “Reducing food wastage, improving food security?”

Within the F&BKP an inventory study on the relation between the reduction of food wastage and the improvement of food security has been conducted. Please find below the link to the full report and the summary of the study “Reducing food wastage, improving food security?”. Download the F&BKP Report “Reducing food wastage, improving food security?” »

Food wastage overview of networks and information

In the Food & Business Knowledge Platform an overview in a mind map has been composed of networks and information in the field of food losses and waste. The mind map shown below is indicative and non-exhaustive. Please feel free to suggest additions to the overview by sending an e-mail to *protected email*. How to navigate the »