Klaas de Vries

Profile picture of Klaas

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

Knowledge Broker


Inclusive business: from attention to action

As a key theme, inclusive business in international development has been on the agenda for some years now. With attention maintained in 2015, the growth of this trend is projected to continue in the long run. In addition to important organizations and networks, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) remains committed to the development »

F&BKP exploratory meeting private sector

On November 27, the F&BKP organized an exploratory meeting with representatives from the private sector and other actors that have experience in working with the private sector in the agri-food sector. The meeting produced a significant amount of constructive contributions that will help to further shape the cooperation between the Platform and the private sector. »

What about nutrition security?

In regions that produce cash crops like tea, cocoa and coffee, nutrition security is rarely on the agenda of decisionmakers. However, nutrition is key to triggering a positive effect on the health of farmers and plantation workers, and on economic development and productivity. This article was written by Klaas de Vries as an expert opinion »