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1 Mar
Tuesday 1 March 2016 - Wednesday 2 March 2016
All day event

CMT’s 2nd Cassava World Africa brings together people in plantation business and end users of cassava from food to biofuels to discuss the crop’s market outlook. »

10 Mar
Thursday 10 March 2016
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm

This seminar organized by the African Studies Centre in Leiden consists of two parts, beginning with a general introduction to the topic of frugal innovation and its developmental effects. The speakers will then focus on a specific case, mobile money services in Zambia. »

14 Mar
Monday 14 March 2016
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

During this Infopoint Lunchtime conference “Hunger and Food Security – Major challenges we are facing today” an overview of the situation of food and nutrition security in the world today… »

14 Mar
Monday 14 March 2016
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The 2016 “It’s the food, my friend!” series contains five debates, held in de Rode Hoed in Amsterdam and focuses on the transmission to another food system. The debates are in Dutch: the second debate is about “Vluchtelingen, landbouw en voedsel”. »

15 Mar
Tuesday 15 March 2016
1:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Tijdens de interactieve bijeenkomst georganiseerd door The Soil Initiative wordt kennis rondom bodemvruchtbaarheid uitgewisseld. Inspirerende innovaties van jonge start-ups, analyses uit de wetenschap en presentaties van experts uit de retail. Daarnaast kunnen bedrijven zelf hun ideeën toetsen aan de aanwezige specialisten. »

16 Mar
Wednesday 16 March 2016
1:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Het Agribusiness Seminar en de Netwerkbijeenkomst Landbouwraden biedt agro-ondernemers met internationale ambities meer informatie over actuele kansen en ontwikkelingen voor het Nederlandse MKB in het buitenland. Er zijn wereldwijd in meer dan 50 landen Landbouwraden actief. »

17 Mar
Thursday 17 March 2016 - Friday 18 March 2016
All day event

This two-day conference organized by Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation, focuses on how those active in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) can contribute better to partnerships in development. »

22 Mar
Tuesday 22 March 2016
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

At the Wageningen campus a lively open market space will be created, where agro-food companies, knowledge institutions, civil society organizations, social entrepreneurs, and other interested organizations can present themselves with an exhibition table and/or claim a pitch in the speakers corner. »

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