AgriProFocus Kenya is organizing an online Food and Nutrition Security webinar on May 12, 2020 at 09:00 (Netherlands time) focusing on the theme “Food Safety and the role of Traceability in light of COVID-19”. »
The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) and The Indian Nutrition Initiative (TINI) – an initiative of Tata Trusts – organize the online launch of the 2020 Global Nutrition Report on May 12, 2020. The GNR highlights how food systems everywhere must become equitable, nutritious, efficient and inclusive. »
FAO is organizing a Zoominar on “Accelerating Digital Extension Advisory Services (DEAS) In Post COVID-19 Context” on May 14, 2020, which forms part of a Thursday Innovation Zoominar Series “Innovation in Agri-Food Systems addressing COVID-19 disruptive impact”. »
RUAF, together with FAO, UNEP, ICLEI, RUAF and Rikolto, organizes a webinar “Cities and Covid-19: Food access for vulnerable communities in practice” on May 15, 2020, sharing insights from a… »
Wat moet er in Nederland gebeuren om in 2030 de SDG’s te behalen? Online bijeenkomst van SDG Nederland, Partos, Building Change en MVO Nederland in samenwerking met de Rijksoverheid. »
IFPRI is organizing a Virtual Event entitled “What do we need for a gender-sensitive Covid-19 response in agriculture and food security? Insights from research and practice” on May 21, 2020 starting at 09:30 am EDT, which is 15:30 in the Netherlands. »
This event is the online launch of the position paper “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability – An action agenda for the Dutch contribution to dairy development in Africa and… »
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the African Nutrition Society (ANS) present a webinar entitled “COVID-19 emergency response: the African nutrition perspectives” on June 1, 2020 at 09:00 GMT (11:00 Dutch time). »