This year, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions are inviting businesses, NGOs, civil society organizations to celebrate the World Food Day and discuss the cross-sectoral role of nutrition with a focus on obesity at local, national, EU and global level.
World Food Day is celebrated on October 16, 2019, and is calling for action across sectors to make sustainable healthy diets affordable and available to everyone. Up to 150 countries across the world join in on World Food Day, making it one of the most celebrated days in the UN calendar.
FAO World Food Day Event in Brussels
This specific World Food Day event “FOOD 2030: Nourishing people and nurturing the planet through sustainable healthy diets for all” is joining up with FOOD 2030, linking the EU Research and Innovation context to the global campaign. Providing an evidence-base to policy making and delivering solutions with co-benefits is more than ever key to catalyze systems change. It takes place at the Committee of Regions in Brussels (live-streaming available!), starting at 13:00 (lunch included) and followed by a reception hosted by EIT Food from 18:30 (La Bellone).
FAO World Food Day Events
Businesses, NGOs, journalists, media agencies, cities and civil society organizations, are invited to call for action to achieve better nutrition and Zero Hunger! As overweight and obesity rates soar worldwide, this year, World Food Day will specifically call for action to make healthy and sustainable diets available and affordable to everyone. At the same time, people are asked to start thinking about what they eat.
Countries, decision makers, private businesses, civil society – everyone – can take action to achieve healthy diets and #ZeroHunger.
FAO can provide organizers with a range of promotional materials in several languages – a poster, a brochure, event banner, web or social media graphics or Activity book for kids.
For more information, see the FAO World Food Day website.
- This event has passed.