The Global Donor Platform’s Nutrition Work Stream is hosting a webinar on 16 June 14:30 CEST to examine the state of the art in nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) both from a conceptual point of view and regarding its translation into practice. Representatives of major donors, international organisations, research institutes and NGOs will share and discuss their perspectives, approaches and experiences in addressing and promoting NSA.
The webinar forms part of a broader activity of the Platform’s Nutrition work stream led by the Rome-based Agencies (RBAs). The general idea of this activity is to structure and synthesize previous experiences in nutrition-sensitive agriculture in order to scale up effective nutrition-sensitive interventions.
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture
In recent years, many development institutions have produced guidance notes about linking agriculture and nutrition, mainly intended to assist programme and service planners to understand and implement these linkages.
There now is a need to exchange and critically review experiences acquired so that key success factors, best practices, and standards can be properly identified, shared and adopted by the development community.
The Global Donor Platform seeks to contribute to the global learning agenda, thus deepening an understanding of how the agriculture-nutrition conceptual frameworks function and deliver in practice, notably in the framework provided by Agenda 2030. For more information, please refer to the concept note below.
Welcome and Introduction into Agenda (Lynn Brown, Nutrition Group Chair)
Presentation of Platform activities on NSA & objectives (Mauro Ghirotti, IADC)
Overview of key principles, lessons, challenges & knowledge gaps
- FAO // Charlotte Dufour (food system approach)
- HarvestPlus // Peg Willingham (biofortification approach)
Presentation of specific cases & practical examples
- SPRING Project // Victor Pinga
- Action Against Hunger (ACF) // Bader Mahaman Dioula
Wrap-up of the discussion and next steps
Registration and information
To take part in the webinar please click here 5 minutes before the official start of the Webinar
Secretariat Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
- This event has passed.