The Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP), and the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law (KPSRL) organize a side-event to the KPSRL annual conference, entitled “UNSC 2417 resolution and local food systems in the humanitarian-development nexus” on September 12 in The Hague. Central to this meeting will be the question of how the resolution on Hunger & Conflict can be implemented through humanitarian and development interventions. The meeting is by invitation only.
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to follow up on the resolution it co-sponsored through programming on the nexus of humanitarian & development aid, described in the recent Policy Note “Investing in Global Prospects”.
The meeting will serve to give input to the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the conceptual development of such programming. Specifically, the meeting will look to harvest experiences from practice and hearing what practitioner organizations need from each other as well as from policy makers and donors.
- This event has passed.