FAC’s research and analysis, which has been supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) since 2005, focuses on the political economy of agricultural policy processes in the region. The Consortium’s work critically examines how and why agricultural policy decisions are made, the conditions for change and the practical and policy challenges of establishing and sustaining pro-poor agricultural growth.
This type of analysis is particularly relevant at the present time, as the African Union’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) moves into its second decade and the G-8’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (NA) unfolds across Africa, as it is often these political and institutional factors that influence what type of investments are prioritised, which initiatives take off and who benefits from them.
In this event we will present key findings and policy insights emerging from a range of Future Agricultures’ recent research activities on key themes of relevance to CAADP and the NA agendas, including:
- The political economy of agricultural policy processes
- Land acquisitions and principles of responsible investment
- Changing patterns of agricultural growth and investment
- Pathways to improved irrigation performance
- China and Brazil in Africa and new paradigms of agricultural development
- Strengthening and integrating Africa’s seed systems
- Pastoralism, livestock marketing and dynamic change at the margins
For the complete agenda and to register, please visit the ODI website.
- This event has passed.