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NWGN Expert Meeting “Measuring progress on nutrition”
NWGN Expert meeting
Thursday May 17, 2018 Image: via Flickr (by: Fred Inklaar)
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm


May 17, 2018
12:30 pm - 5:00 pm


New Babylon Meeting Center
Anna van Buerenplein 29
The Hague, 2496 RZ Netherlands
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The Netherlands Working Group on international Nutrition (NWGN) organizes an expert meeting focusing on how to make agricultural programs work for nutrition, and which approaches to use to measure progress. The meeting is organized in collaboration with the Food & Business Knowledge Platform in The Hague on May 17 (fully booked).

Please download the NWGN brochure “Measuring nutrition effects of food security and agriculture programs – Sharing approaches, metrics and practices“.


Share knowledge, lessons learned and best practices with practitioners as well as with policy makers on:

  1. How to ensure Nutrition Sensitive Agricultural (NSA) interventions work for nutrition by taking into account lessons learned on the pathways of change?
  2. How to measure the contributions of NSA interventions on nutrition; along the pathways, with improved metrics?
  3. How to ensure the lessons learned are relevant for policy, programs and innovation projects?


There is growing commitment at global level to improve food and nutrition security. Alongside nutrition specific interventions special efforts are made to make agri-food systems more nutrition sensitive. Although consensus exists on pathways through which agriculture may influence nutrition-related outcomes, empirical evidence on agriculture’s contribution to nutrition and how it can be enhanced is still weak. Therefore there is growing demand for evidence on what policies and programs work best, how and at what cost. Good quality measurement tools are key to collect data on output, outreach, outcome and impact levels, and to generate reliable evidence on what works well.

In this workshop, knowledge will be shared on the latest empirical evidence for impact of NSA interventions on nutrition, as well as related pathways and contextual factors. Subsequently the focus will be on how to best measure the contributions of NSA interventions on nutrition outcomes with a combination of improved metrics.

Dr. Marie Ruel, Director of the Poverty, Health and Nutrition Division of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) will present the evidence from a recently published review on NSA interventions for nutrition, followed by presentations and group discussions of case studies on experiences and lessons learned with measuring the contribution of NSA to nutrition outcomes by Dutch actors working in food and nutrition security. This will include presentations by Dr Hazel Malapit from IFPRI on latest innovations of adaptions for the Women in Empowerment Agriculture Index (WEAI) being used to measure links between women empowerment and nutrition within NSA.


This workshop targets experts from the government, NGOs, and Agro-Food sector working on agriculture programs and interventions to improve food security and nutrition. Participants could include but are not limited to: representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Agriculture, as well as from the Topsectors and RVO; private sector companies with an interest in nutritional outcomes; NGOs; including members of networks such as Netherlands Working Group on Nutrition and AgriProFocus.

At the end of the workshop participants are expected to have a better understanding how to best measure the contribution of agriculture programs aiming to improve nutrition, in order to better inform the design and implementation of NSA programs.

Programme and brochure

Please download the detailed programme for the NWGN expert meeting.

Please download the NWGN brochure “Measuring nutrition effects of food security and agriculture programs – Sharing approaches, metrics and practices“.

Please note that this event has place for a limited number of participants only, and is already fully booked.

About NWGN

The Netherlands Working Group on international Nutrition (NWGN) is a network of NGOs, knowledge institutes, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and private sector organizations. The NWGN’s mission is to promote inclusion of nutrition specific as well as nutrition sensitive approaches in development policies and strategies of Dutch stakeholders. The members of the NWGN support the vision of The Global Nutrition Report (2017) stating that “improvements in human nutrition represent both a maker and a marker of sustainable development”. The NWGN believes that improving nutrition contributes to the achievement of all SDGs in a direct or indirect way, while vice versa the achievement of many of the SDGs contributes to improving nutrition.


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