On Thursday October 11, 2018, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes a lunch meeting focusing on “Agricultural intensification in the Sahel: Reducing poverty and adapting to climate change”. Speaker is Chris Reij, Senior Fellow Global Restoration Initiative – WRI.
We now know much better than 40 years ago what to do to restore degraded lands in the Sahel to productivity and how to intensify agriculture. This presentation will look into when and how some technical options emerged, their impact and their potential for scaling. The focus will be on Niger, which has a limited natural resource base and it is strongly affected by climate change. It also holds the world record in demographic growth, it is the second poorest country in the world and it risks being destabilized by incursions from Boko Haram and jihadists from Mali. What can be achieved in this increasingly complex context?
The meeting takes place on October 11, 2018 from 12:00 till 14:00 (with lunch) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rijnstraat 8 in The Hague.
Please register for this lunch meeting by sending an email to:
- This event has passed.