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FSIN-AUC Technical Consultation
Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience Analysis
Tuesday November 17, 2015 Image: via Flickr (by: Neil Palmer, CIAT)
All day event


November 17, 2015
November 19, 2015


Unnamed Venue
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia + Google Map


Food Security Information Network

The FSIN in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) are holding a technical consultation on “Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience Analysis: Are we effectively using the right data?” that will take place from 17-19 November 2015 in Addis Ababa (by invitation only).

The FSIN-AUC Consultation will involve technical and policy experts from a wide range of institutions, including governments, universities, the African Union Commission, CILSS, IGAD, IFPRI, the World Bank, FAO, WFP, EC, USAID and the private sector.

The conference will be structured around four thematic panels, each guided by a background paper written by recognized topical experts, including the chairs of the FSIN Measuring Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience Measurement TWGs. In this way, the recent technical outputs of the FSIN will be shared with a large number of policymakers and practitioners.

Panel topics and related discussion papers are the following:

  1. Food and Nutrition Security Analysis: Data availability, access and analysis;
  2. Resilience Analysis: Data availability, access and analysis;
  3. Data governance and institutional capacities;
  4. Filling the gaps by exploiting innovation around data production, data collection and data sharing.

The Consultation will have a strong focus on the conditions required for promoting and strengthening the institutional culture of evidence-based decision-making, particularly through enhanced and more conducive institutional frameworks that recognize the importance of rigorous data collection and effective utilization of processed information.

The expected outcome is to develop a framework for strengthening national food security and nutrition information systems and statistical capacities in support of evidence-based decision-making and monitoring.

Whilst participation in the conference is by invitation only, we would like to have as much input as possible from practitioners. Please share best practices that can be discussed during the consultation or contact us at .

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