On February 28, NLandscape – the Dutch Platform on Landscape Approaches – organizes the knowledge event “Food and Nutrition Sensitive Landscapes”.
What’s at stake
Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) is a policy priority of The Netherlands. Many organisations are addressing the issue while investing in landscape approaches in parallel. There are commonalities in each domain; spatial considerations play a role in FNS dialogues, while landscape approaches fundamentally seek to improve the food security situations within landscapes. But, are we missing synergies between the two? By joining topics and dialogues, can we strengthen our approaches towards food and nutrition sensitive landscapes?
Knowledge session
Natalia Estrada Cormona expert Agricultural Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services will set the scene in a key note speech addressing the issue how to build food and nutrition sensitive landscapes. We will further dive into the subject by jointly discussing selected cases from the network in an interactive setting, synthesize the findings and identify the issues that network partners might take further. A knowledge paper with the key learning will be compiled and shared on the website afterwards.
The programme
12.00 Network lunch
13.00 Welcome and Network News: the latest landscape updates from the members.
13.30 Key note speech Food and Nutrition sensitive landscapes (Natalia Estrada Cormona)
13.50 Introduction of the selected cases
14.15 Learning from each other in small break out groups + drinks in World café setting
15.45 The harvest: exchanging insights and learnings
16.30 What’s next: how to follow up on the learnings
17.00 Network drinks
- This event has passed.