The Global Challenges Programme project “Strengthening Women’s Food Entrepreneurship in City Slums in Kenya and Burkina Faso” is organizing a final seminar to discuss key findings from the natural and social sciences angles into the research, including co-creation and sustainability impacts.
Nicky Pouw (GID) & Boris Jansen (IBED) organize this final seminar of the inter- and transdisciplinary research programme on “Strengthening Women’s Food Entrepreneurship in City Slums in Kenya and Burkina Faso” at AISSR/GID, University of Amsterdam.
The four-yearrs research was based on an integrated understanding of the complex interactions between soil quality, food production and quality for vulnerable groups, and inclusive business. Together with their African research partners and practitioner organisations the project members shall discuss key findings from the natural and social sciences angles into the research, including co-creation and sustainability impacts.
Registration: Free (send an email to: )
Date, time: Friday November 29, 2019, 09:30-13:00 (including lunch)
Venue: University of Amsterdam, Room A1.02, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Roeterseilandcomplex
- This event has passed.