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Digital Dialogue World Food Prize Laureate
Thursday June 11, 2020 Image: WFP
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


World Food Prize



On June 11, 2020, the World Food Prize announces the 2020 Laureate, immediately followed by a Digital Dialogue: Live with the Laureate.

Time of the online event: 10:00AM Eastern Time / 16:00PM European Standard Time / 17:00PM East Africa Time / 19:30PM Indian Standard Time / 22:00PM China Standard Time

After the official WFP Laureate Announcement at 10:00, the Digital Dialogue will feature the 2020 Laureate. Tune in with Dr. Gebisa Ejeta, Chair of the WFP Laureate Selection Committee and 2009 World Food Prize Laureate, for a 30-minute conversation live with the Laureate.

Online registration.


Gebisa Ejeta – Chair, World Food Prize Laureate Selection Committee; 2009 World Food Prize Laureate. Dr. Gebisa Ejeta is a Distinguished Professor of Agronomy at Purdue University. He received the 2009 World Food Prize for his sorghum hybrids that are resistant to drought and the devastating weed, Striga. His work dramatically increased the production and availability of the food supply for hundreds of millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa. Combined with his persistent efforts to foster economic development and the empowerment of subsistence farmers through the creation of agricultural enterprises in rural Africa, he has had profound impacts on lives and livelihoods on a broader scale across the African continent.

2020 World Food Prize Laureate – Tune in on June 11 to find out!

Host: Barbara Stinson – President, World Food Prize Foundation

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