In many emerging economies the dairy sector has an enormous potential to contribute to nutritious and healthy diets, create new jobs, increase income of farmers and agribusiness and improve livelihoods. The Netherlands with its partners has implemented numerous dairy projects in low- and middle-income countries in the past years. On November 27, 2019 the event “Dairy Development in Emerging Economies” is organized as the next step in developing a dairy platform within the Netherlands Food Partnership.
During the “Dairy Development in Emerging Economies” event, organized by LIQUID, Wageningen UR, Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) and AgriProFocus, the following questions are central: What have we actually learned from these experiences? And how can we contribute even better to dairy sector transformation that generates sustainable food systems? Which are the investment priorities for the future?
- CONNECT all Dutch Diamond stakeholders on dairy development in LMICs.
- EXCHANGE lessons learned from (action) research and development projects and develop a forward-looking knowledge agenda.
- DEVELOP a vision for continued investments in sustainable dairy sectors in LMICs and show the added value for the food system contributing to nutrition, employment, income and livelihoods.
- DEFINE activities and supporting mechanisms which bring innovations that make a difference for dairy sector transformation to scale.
The event is the second step in developing a dairy platform within the Netherlands Food Partnership which has the ambition to connect, innovate and scale. Before the meeting participants will receive a concept paper which addresses trends, opportunities and challenges for dairy development. Speakers from Africa, the private sector, science and government will share their views.
The event takes place on Wednesday November 27 in Veenendaal: registration from 12:15 with sandwich lunch; programme starting at 13:00 till 17:00; followed by drinks:
Key note speech & presentations
- Jan van der Lee, WUR: Dairy development & the Dutch
- Corina van Middelaar, WUR: Making dairy sustainable
- Rinus van Klinken, SNV: Uganda dairy revolution
- Nutritious dairy
- Keeping milk safe!
- Sustainable intensification
- Last mile delivery of inputs and services
- Getting the policies right!
Panel discussion
With experts from dairy business, education & research, policy makers and NGOs.
Dairy – the future investment priorities
Reflections by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.
Please download the detailed programme here.
Background information
Please download the discussion paper for the workshop “Dairy Development in Emerging Economies – A motor for sustainable and healthy growth: How can the Dutch Diamond contribute in an effective way?”
The November 27 meeting builds on the workshop “Dairy, the Motor for Healthy Growth” organized by Netherlands and East African dairy partners on August 13, 2019 in Nairobi. At the meeting recent experiences in several East African countries were presented and discussed. Find the report and more information here.
- This event has passed.