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Closing the gender data gap for agricultural policy and investment
Closing the gender data gap for agricultural policy and investment
Tuesday October 4, 2016 Image: GFAR
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


October 4, 2016
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


Online webinar


Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP)

As the first webinar of a series developed by the GFAR-facilitated Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP), this webinar “Closing the gender data gap for agricultural policy and investment” will discuss three on-going initiatives to mainstream sex-disaggregated data and gender indicators in national agricultural censuses and surveys and in agricultural development projects.


Women represent, on average, 43 percent of the global agricultural labour force, and considerably more in many developing countries (FAO, 2011). Yet, we lack basic data on what women do in agricultural value chains, their access to resources, technology, information, finance, markets and services, their decision-making power within the household and in agricultural and rural institutions, as well as their problems, needs and aspirations.

Closing the gender data gap in agriculture to make women visible is an urgent precondition for implementing and tracking progress in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so that “no one is left behind.”  National policy makers and planners require sound countrywide data on which to base policy and investment decisions. Comparable data across countries are also needed for international and regional policy, investment and development aid priority setting and decisions. While the findings of smaller-scale in-depth agricultural and household surveys cannot be generalized to a whole country, they often provide critical contextual information to help ask the right questions in, and interpret the results of, national censuses and surveys.  Thus we need better data in agricultural censuses, nationally representative agricultural surveys and smaller, in-depth surveys!


As the first of a series developed by the GFAR-facilitated Gender in Agriculture Partnership(GAP), this webinar will discuss three on-going initiatives to mainstream sex-disaggregated data and gender indicators in national agricultural censuses and surveys and in agricultural development projects. The discussion will focus on (a) conceptual and methodological issues, (b) capacity building in statistical and agricultural research institutions, and (c) how to ensure that policy makers and planners receive and act on these data to improve gender equality in agriculture.

“Not having data on a certain area, behaviour or society means that you cannot design the right policies, you cannot track progress, you cannot evaluate. You are basically not accountable.”

Mayra Buvinic, UN Foundation Senior Fellow (Gates Foundation, 2016)

Participants will have an opportunity to learn about these initiatives, share experiences and learning in these and similar initiatives, and together identify common challenges and gaps for future work.

In follow-up to the 2015-2016 Third Global Conference on Agriculture for Development (GCARD3), the webinar will also contribute to the on-going development of a multi-stakeholder Platform to develop and harmonize indicators for assessing the impact of agricultural innovation towards the diverse SDGs.

For more details on the host, moderator, presenters, and  the agenda, please visit the webinar website. 


Registration is possible by sending a simple email to Charles Plummer of the GFAR Secretariat at GFAR-.
Please mention: Name, affiliation (organization/institute) and function. You will receive a confirmation email. You will also get a reminder with the technical details to join the webinar, one week prior to the webinar.

Register fast! The webinars are limited to 100 participants and the available “seats” are often taken in a matter of days.

About the GAP webinars

This webinar is the first of a series developed by Gender in Agriculture Partnership (GAP) as a knowledge-sharing tool to facilitate exchange among GAP members, in collaboration with the CGIAR Gender and Agriculture Research Network, FAO and other GAP partners.

The webinars are organized and funded by GFAR and are open to members of GAP, Partners in GFAR, CGIAR Gender Network, FAO, UN, other partners who have an interest in the topics offered.  They are available as a resource and knowledge-sharing tool for scientists, students, communications staff as well as agricultural practitioners.

We do not ask for a participation fee, but we ask that participants actively engage in the webinars with feedback, questions, and sharing of their own experiences.

The webinars are moderated via BlueJeans, an online tool running within any internet browser. It requires participants to have a good and reliable Internet connection and a computer running any browser.


GAP, facilitated by the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), is an open multi-stakeholder network that now involves over 700 organizations working together for change in our agricultural and food systems to bring improved livelihoods and greater empowerment for rural women. 


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