The next Brussels Briefing no. 58 on “Africa’s Agriculture Trade in a changing environment” will take place on October 23, 2019 in Brussels. This Briefing is co-organised by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation CTA, in collaboration with the European Commission/EuropeAid, the ACP Secretariat, IFPRI and GIZ.
Discussions will centre around the various perspectives and experiences around the new trends and opportunities in intra-Africa trade in the context of free trade agreements and regional integration needed to support smallholder agriculture, including experiences from policy and practice. It will also feature business successes in serving added-value products and new markets (urban, regional) by local food enterprises.
It will bring various perspectives around the table from research, policymakers and private sector and highlight successes and drivers for change in support of efficient and profitable trade for value chain actors.
Follow this link to register online via EventBrite.
About Brussels Briefings
A growing number of challenges have an impact on the agricultural and rural sector of the ACP countries, including climate change, migration, low interest and funding of the agriculture sector and low priority to rural development, impact of globalization on small-scale producers, opportunities and challenges posed by biofuels…
These and other issues are being tackled by a range of development organizations (international, governmental, NGOs, networks) at national and regional levels in ACP and developing countries and in Europe. However, a more structured exchange of information and experience among the development community in Brussels would greatly strengthen these dispersed efforts, by enhancing communication, promoting coherence, and increasing collaboration and partnerships. That is the reason why the ACP-EU technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), the European Commission, the EU Presidency, the ACP Group, Concord, and other partners organize regular development Briefing sessions in Brussels on key issues and challenges for rural development in the context of EU-ACP cooperation.
The target group of such Briefings is the wider “development” community in Brussels (EC services, European Parliament, NGOs and networks, ACP Group, EU Member States representatives…).
- This event has passed.