The side-event “The UN Decade of Action on Nutrition: Working together to implement the outcomes of the Second International Conference on Nutrition” is organized in the framework of the 71st United Nations General Assembly. This side-event is hosted by Italy, Russian Federation and the United Kingdom.
The purpose of the side-event is to promote the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly by resolution in April 2016. The Decade acts as a collective effort to set, track and achieve policy commitments to end all forms of malnutrition. Moreover, the event aims to draw attention to the ways in which countries are deciding on and implementing actions that are advancing the improvement of nutrition in their countries. Specifically, it seeks to catalyze clear and evidence-based commitments by Member States as a first step toward the implementation of national policies, programs and investments under the framework of the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2).
The event will be targeted at Member States missions in New York, and representatives of the UN system, business, civil society, financial institutions, regional influencing bodies, parliamentarians and donors that work in multisectoral manners in support of the Decade of Action on Nutrition and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Panellists will be invited to highlight ways in which multistakeholder collaboration for improved nutrition can be mobilised, how political attention can be galvanized, and how collective responsibility can drive accountability for results.
The side-event can be followed through live webcast on the UN TV by following this link.
- This event has passed.