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12th CAADP Partnership Platform
12th CAADP Partnership Platform
Monday April 11, 2016 Image: NEPAD
All day event


April 11, 2016
April 15, 2016


Accra, Ghana + Google Map


NEPAD Transforming Africa

The 12th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Partnerhsip Platform (CAAADP PP) is organized on April 11-15, 2016 in Accra, Ghana, under the theme “Accelerating Implementation of CAADP through Innovative Financing and Renewed Partnership”. Its objective is to discuss on the ways of accelerating the CAADP implementation to transform African agriculture in the face of emerging trends that have a direct bearing on our abilities to deliver results and impact.

The 12th CAADP PP comes 20 months after the Malabo declaration and the overriding assumption for this year’s event is that the issues that are really key in transforming agriculture are better known and understood today because they have been extensively reviewed by the previous CAADP PPs.

CAADP PP Theme and Sub-themes

The theme for the 12th PP is articulated around financing and partnership; two dimensions now emerging as key drivers to accelerate implementation on the ground for concrete results and impact. As such, the meeting will then focus on the discussions that will help fast track the implementation of CAADP in order to achieve the transformation of Africa’s Agriculture at the horizon of 2025. A secondary objective of the meeting will be to review the progress on the implementation of the Malabo Declaration and strategize on how to accelerate the delivery pace and accountability mechanisms.


  • Sub-theme#1: Innovative financing for agriculture transformation
  • Sub-theme#2: Renewed partnership structure to accelerate implementation
  • Sub-theme#3: Mutual accountability and reporting
  • This event has passed.