F&BKP Organisation

While the F&BKP and AgriProFocus are transforming into the Netherlands Food Partnership (NFP) in 2020, the secretariat of the F&BKP will operate in a similar mode as in 2013-2019.
The Office
The secretariat of the F&BKP will for now operate in a similar mode as in 2013-2019. Further updates on the organizational structure will be provided when the envisioned NFP will be in place.
The Office is responsible for the knowledge management of the Platform and is a consortium consisting of three organizations: AgriProFocus, The Broker and Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI). The Office staff are mainly knowledge brokers, who strengthen their outreach and impact by bringing together the expertise, skills and networks of their respective organizations. The Office team is staffed by these organizations but acts as an independent and neutral entity, located in The Hague.
The Office has regular contacts with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and participates in tripartite meetings with NWO-WOTRO and the Ministry.
To meet the members, visit the Office team page.