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Interactive Voice Response: Its Growing Role in Agricultural Extension Services
Agrilinks webinar
Thursday April 14, 2016 Image: Agrilinks
9:00 am - 10:30 am

From India and Ethiopia to Malawi and Madagascar, interactive voice response (IVR) is increasingly being used by agricultural extension services. Often detested by Americans because of overuse in customer service lines (“Your call is important to us…”), IVR does not have the same reputation in developing countries. In fact, it overcomes language and literacy barriers, is being used by millions of farmers, and mobile network operators are signing up across sub-Saharan Africa to allow each farmer a handful of free calls monthly.  

Webinar Interactive Voice Response

The webinar “Interactive Voice Response: Its Growing Role in Agricultural Extension Services” will explain what interactive voice response is and provide an overview of software platforms that help organizations launch and operate IVR services relatively easily. We will then learn more about how two such services from Awaaz.de and Health Network International (HNI) work; how messages are crafted and monitored; and ways IVR is being integrated with other means of delivering agricultural information.

Join us online for a lively discussion!

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