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SCAR Food Systems: Diversity workshop
Diversity workshop May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019 Image: SCAR FS SWG
All day event


May 14, 2019


French Ministry of Agriculture and Food
78 rue de Varenne
Paris, 75007 France
+ Google Map


SCAR Strategic Working Groups

The SCAR Food Systems Strategic Working Group (SCAR FS SWG) is organizing a third and final Diversity workshop on May 14, 2019 at the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (room Gambetta) in Paris. Save the date for this workshop entitled “Diversifying Food Systems in the Pursuit of Sustainable Food Production and Healthy Diets”.

The workshop will bring together different stakeholders from private and public sector as well as JPIs representatives, researchers, policy makers and the external experts who have contributed to define the concept.

The purpose of this third and final event on diversity is to present the results of two previous workshops and to discuss the policy recommendations between different stakeholders and the experts.

The workshop is open for participation without fees. Registration is possible online latest on April 19th, 2019. The working language is English. For further information, please contact:

About SCAR

The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) is recognised by the European Commission and EU Member States as valuable coordination and advisory body on agricultural research and bioeconomy development. The Committee plays an important role in coupling research and innovation and aims to make it easier for public-public and public-private sectors to work together in delivering innovation that tackles the challenges faced in the bioeconomy area.

The SCAR Food Systems Strategic Working Group (SCAR FS SWG) provides strategic advice and support to the EU Research and Innovation policy framework FOOD2030. The FS SWG contributes to move towards better Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) R&I policy coherence and strategic orientation by integrating and analysing the different regional, national and European initiatives in place.

SCAR FS SWG members are representatives from National Ministries, research centers or universities from 21 EU Member States or Associated countries, as well as JPIs (Joint Programming Initiative) representatives.

Diversifying Food Systems

The food production is facing a decrease in crops and animal breeds diversity which undermines the ability of agriculture to adapt to climate change and to cope with pests and diseases. In parallel to the threat to agrobiodiversity, we notice a trend towards the homogenisation of diets (greater intake of calories, too much animal proteins, and ultra-formulated foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat) and tremendous diet-related health problems.

Diversity through the all food systems could be considered as a driver for change by improving direct interactions between food producers and consumers, increasing the quality of diet for a better health, or fostering local processors, etc. Therefore, the initiatives to diversify food systems should take into account the impact in term of sustainable food productino and healthy diet. All stakeholders at each level and all along the food chain need to be involved


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