Profile picture of GCP-2 IP

Company / Organization / University

Main consortium partner: Wageningen UR - Environmental Policy Group

Role / Title

Project research team

Bio / Specialization

Global Challenges Programme (GCP) Call 2 Integrated Projects.
Visit the project page for more information.


Governing Sustainable Seafood

Simon R. Bush and Peter Oosterveer of the research team of the GCP project SUPERSEAS have published a new book “Governing Sustainable Seafood”. The book explores the rise of social movements through environmental NGOs, the nature and perceived limits of government regulation within and beyond the state, and the promise of market-based approaches such as ecolabelling. »

A food systems perspective on seafood

On 23 November Peter Oosterveer from the Global Challenges Programme project SUPERSEAS presented a food systems perspective on seafood at WorldFish in Penang. In recent years a food systems perspective has been promoted to develop a more comprehensive perspective on supplying sufficient, sustainable and healthy food to consumers. »

The scale of area-based management: what are aquaculture farmers really doing?

Area-based approaches to address environmental risk are gaining popularity in aquaculture management. Researchers in the GCP project SUPERSEAS recently published a study in the Geographical Journal that demonstrates the need to rethink the development and application of area‐based approaches, taking into account how farmers themselves understand environmental risk. »

What are the trends in aquaculture value chain research?

In the video “What are the trends in aquaculture value chain research?” researcher Simon R. Bush of the Global Challenges Programme project SUPERSEAS identifies five current trends that are shaping the development of the aquaculture industry . »