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December 13th, 2017

Adapting Gambian women livestock farmers’ roles in food production to climate change

Published by Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society,

This article (PDF) in Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society focuses on key climate change adaptation issues confronting women livestock farmers. Women livestock farmers are very productive and contribute greatly towards ensuring food security of their nations. However, their efforts are sometimes limited by climate-related hazards. This case study of The Gambia used content analysis, interviews, consultative seminars, policy mapping and dialogues to examine climate change adaptation issues confronting women livestock farmers. Consequences of climate hazards, such as drought, flood, and temperature variability, have been experienced in The Gambia. Domestication of fast-growing small animals, use of resilient livestock breeds, stock size management, feed gardening and conservation, bushfire control, and regular supply of water to animals can reduce farmers’ exposure to climatic variations. While each adaptation option can help address the challenges of climate change and food waste in The Gambia, no single option is sufficient by itself. This study generated evidence that gender differences sometimes exist between male and female livestock farmers in terms of the climate change adaptation strategies used in food production and management. It is recommended that this gender difference is considered in developing climate change adaptation strategies, interventions and policies. Furthermore, effective implementation of adaptation strategies needs to be enhanced through favorable policies and cooperation of relevant stakeholders at all scales: the government, research institutions, extension service agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector have varying but complementary roles to play.

Curated from futureoffoodjournal.org