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IOB Study
April 3, 2014Study
IOB Study
Theme: Partnerships

Public-private partnerships (PPP’s) are a relatively recent phenomenon in international development cooperation. Current policy documents frequently refer to expectations regarding their potential contributions to global development goals. The growing international attention was firmly backed by the Netherlands government. However, there are still few diagnostic tools available to determine when and how PPP’s represent a preferred »

Nutrition Security networks
March 19, 2014Study
Nutrition Security networks
Theme: Nutrition Security

This is an overview of relevant international and national knowledge networks on nutrition security. The list includes international institutions, knowledge and research networks, civil society organizations and networks, and public-private partnerships. It is a preliminary list which will be adapted when relevant. »

Different types of partnerships
March 18, 2014Study
Different types of partnerships
Theme: Partnerships

The term ‘Partnership’ is used to describe a wide variety of relationships and collaboration contracts. As such, the term may be confusing. Therefore, more specific information on the type of partnership in question and the particular context is required. The following basic characteristics help to classify a partnership: Level of intervention: is it international, regional, »