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Farmer-led Agroforestry Innovation in Ethiopia: Improving livelihoods and food security by utilising Acacia saligna
November 12, 2015Research project
Farmer-led Agroforestry Innovation in Ethiopia: Improving livelihoods and food security by utilising Acacia saligna

Duration: February 2016 – February 2019. This project has been finalized. Project information Aim: Integrated Agroforestry Systems (IAFS) can contribute immensely to food security in Ethiopia. Yet the potential for IAFS remains unrealized, whilst agricultural productivity becomes increasingly precarious from over-clearing, overgrazing, variable rainfall and landscape degradation.  Recent research in northern Ethiopia identified Acacia saligna as »

Enhancing Rice Markets in Uganda through Smart Micronutrient Fertilization (ENRICH)
November 12, 2015Research project
Enhancing Rice Markets in Uganda through Smart Micronutrient Fertilization (ENRICH)

Duration: January 2016 – January 2019. This project has been finalized. Project information Aim: Rice is an important crop with rapidly growing demand in Uganda. 90% of the increased production resulted from land expansion, while yields remained stagnant. Fertilizers are barely used and yield responses to conventional NPK-fertilizers are poor. On-farm trials reveal that addition of »

Strengthening agribusiness Ethics, Quality Standards & ICT usage in Uganda's value chains? (AGRI-QUEST)
November 11, 2015Research project
Strengthening agribusiness Ethics, Quality Standards & ICT usage in Uganda’s value chains? (AGRI-QUEST)

Duration: January 2016 – January 2019. This project has been finalized. Project information Aim: Despite the benefits enshrined in embracing (i) ethical and (ii) quality issues with respect to accelerating transformation, competitiveness and sustainability of a vibrant food security program (Netherlands Embassy in Uganda MASP 2014- 2017, pg. 8) and a vibrant food game (Lucas Simons, »

Cassava Applied Research for Food Security in Northern Uganda
November 11, 2015Research project
Cassava Applied Research for Food Security in Northern Uganda

Duration: January 2016 – January 2019. This project has been finalized. Project information Aim: This project will focus on cassava, the most important staple crop in this region of Northern Uganda. To sustainably improve the food and income security situation, initiatives will aim to boost production and utilization and improve market access. Objective: The objective »

Introducing non-timber forest products in reforestation schemes & tree-crop farms in Ghana (Treefarms)
November 11, 2015Research project
Introducing non-timber forest products in reforestation schemes & tree-crop farms in Ghana (Treefarms)

Duration: 20 January 2016 – 19 January 2019. This project has been finalized. Project information Aim: Employing a gender-sensitive and stepwise collaborative learning approach, this project aims to integrate nutritious shade-tolerant non-timber forest products (NTFPs) (black pepper, grains of paradise and honey) in Ghana’s modified taungya (reforestation) system and off-reserve tree farms. The project aims to enhance »

Unravelling the potential of Farmer led Irrigation Development in Mozambique (FAID)
November 11, 2015Research project
Unravelling the potential of Farmer led Irrigation Development in Mozambique (FAID)

Duration: February 2016 – February 2019 Project description Aim: Smallholder led innovation processes in irrigation and agriculture are until now poorly understood even though their contribution to rural and economic development, food security and poverty alleviation in developing countries is substantial. Explorative research in BAGC (Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor) Mozambique suggests that over 100,000 hectares of irrigated agriculture »