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PhD Reconnaissance site visit to Kisumu, Kenya
February 15, 2016Research project
PhD Reconnaissance site visit to Kisumu, Kenya

In January 2016, the PhDs employed in this GCP research project went for a reconnaissance visit to Kisumu. Kisumu is the third largest city in Kenya and one of the research sites for the project “Women Food Entrepreneurs in City Slums of Kenya and Burkina Faso”. »

Sustainable aquaculture to support mangrove forest restoration in Indonesia (PASMI)
December 23, 2015Research project
Sustainable aquaculture to support mangrove forest restoration in Indonesia (PASMI)

Duration: January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2018 Project information This research focuses on multi-trophic coastal aquaculture systems, which support the restoration of mangrove forests in Indonesia. In these systems, different organisms, such as shrimp, blue crab and others, are produced in an integrated way, thereby supporting resilient livelihoods while also safeguarding the mangrove functions for »

Allotment gardens and food security in urban Africa
December 23, 2015Research project
Allotment gardens and food security in urban Africa

Duration: January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2018 Project information Allotment gardens can, potentially, deliver healthy foods for the poor in rapidly urbanizing Africa. This research compares the impact of urban gardens on food security using two pilots. A site selection tool indicates optimal locations taking into account that gardens should be safe havens for women, the »

Assessing and supporting Dairy Input & Advisory service Systems (ADIAS) in Ethiopia and Kenya
December 10, 2015Research project
Assessing and supporting Dairy Input & Advisory service Systems (ADIAS) in Ethiopia and Kenya

Duration: January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2018 Project information Farmers in the East African highlands who focus on producing more milk for the urban market, become vulnerable to a whole new set of risks. This project “Assessing and supporting Dairy Input & Advisory service Systems (ADIAS)” in Ethiopia and Kenya assesses if and how providers of »

Innovations for Sustainable and Profitable Intensification of smallholder Dairy in Kenya (ISPID)
December 10, 2015Research project
Innovations for Sustainable and Profitable Intensification of smallholder Dairy in Kenya (ISPID)

Duration: January 2016 – January 2019 Project information Aim: Intensification of smallholder dairy enhances food and wealth security, but can be a cause of environmental and human health risks. This project aims to empower smallholders to integrate good production practices, efficient resource use, postharvest handling, value addition and adaptive capacity to shocks with more sensitivity to minimize »

Exchanging experiences on doing inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research in development
December 9, 2015Research project
Exchanging experiences on doing inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary research in development

On December 9, 2015, Dr Nicky Pouw (UvA), project leader of the GCP Food and Business project on “Women Food Entrepreneurs in City Slums of Kenya and Burkina Faso” presented at the Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg at the Global Partnership Conference organized by Professor Katja Bender (HBRS) and the Ministry for Innovation and Science Nordrhein Westfalen. »