The NWO-KNAW research programme Agriculture Beyond Food (ABF) has studied developments and potential dilemmas in the field of green economy in Indonesia. At a concluding symposium in Jakarta on November 27, the book ‘Agriculture Beyond Food: Experiences from Indonesia’ with research findings of the programme was offered to the Indonesian Deputy Minister of Research, Technology and Higher »
The Office has commissioned the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) to conduct a Soil Fertility Exploratory study to map primary stakeholders and explore possibilities of strategic partnerships and emergent thematic priorities, especially in Africa. The study is conducted by a team composed of international experts, including a renowned African scientist on soil fertility. The final report will »
The International Foundation on Science (IFS) has opened a Call for Early-Career Research in Developing Countries. One of the themes young academia can apply for is “Food Security, Dietary Diversity and Healthy Livelihoods”. The deadline for submission of individual research grant applications is December 31, 2014. Throughout the coming decade the primary focus of the »
The first-ever Global Nutrition Report of an international consortium of experts, was published on November 13, 2014. It provides a comprehensive narrative on levels of malnutrition across the world: the report includes 192 country profiles. A consortium of nations, organizations, researchers, and academics has released the first-ever comprehensive narrative on global health and country-level progress »
From 11 till 14 November 2014 a write-shop targeting the NWO-WOTRO Applied Research Fund (ARF) second call is taking place in Entebbe, Uganda. Knowledge Broker Nicole Metz is representing the Office of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, which is involved in the preparation of the ARF calls and impact improvement during the project implementation. »
On its website, PAEPARD (the Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development) has published an extensive list of funding opportunities for the coming months on Agricultural Research for Development divided in funds for Agriculture, Climate change, Bio-diversity, Fellowships/scholarships and Other. To see the list, please visit the website of PAEPARD. »