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Third F&BKP newsletter
December 22, 2014News
Third F&BKP newsletter

In these days before Christmas the Office team has sent out its final newsletter of the year, with updates on the various developments that have taken place in the Food & Business Knowledge Platform over the last couple of months. In the December newsletter, you can read about the successful exploratory meeting with private sector »

Launch of the Dutch Postharvest Network
December 18, 2014News
Launch of the Dutch Postharvest Network
Theme: Food Wastage

On December 4, 2014 the Postharvest Network was launched during a kick off event in the Hof van Wageningen. The Postharvest Network aims to reduce food losses by implementing practical and proven solutions in the food supply chain of fresh products. It is a network of Dutch specialized companies, knowledge institutes like Wageningen University and »

Policy letter: Dutch contribution to global food security
December 18, 2014News
Policy letter: Dutch contribution to global food security

On November 18, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation and the Minister for Agriculture sent their long-awaited letter on global food security to parliament. »

F&BKP exploratory meeting private sector
December 17, 2014News
F&BKP exploratory meeting private sector

On November 27, the F&BKP organized an exploratory meeting with representatives from the private sector and other actors that have experience in working with the private sector in the agri-food sector. The meeting produced a significant amount of constructive contributions that will help to further shape the cooperation between the Platform and the private sector. »

ARF: An innovative research grant
December 17, 2014News
ARF: An innovative research grant

From November 11 till 14, 2014, a ‘write-shop’ targeting the second Call of the Applied Research Fund (ARF) took place in Uganda. This NWO-WOTRO fund provides grants to applied research contributing to innovation for food security and private sector development in the 15 partner countries of Dutch development cooperation. All research is jointly conducted by local practitioners’ organizations, research, and/or higher education organizations. »

Horticulture funding opportunities
December 16, 2014News
Horticulture funding opportunities

PAEPARD (the Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development) has communicated three horticulture funding and fellowship opportunities. Fellowships in legumes for students in a developing country This new program is specifically targeting promising young scientists from developing countries committed to pursuing research careers involving legume crops. Submissions are due by December 19, »