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Knowledge agenda on land governance and food security
June 25, 2015News
Knowledge agenda on land governance and food security
Theme: Land Governance

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) and the Netherlands Academy on Land Governance (LANDac) have developed a knowledge agenda on land governance and food security. Two activities have been taken up: a scoping study on the linkages between land governance and food security, and the development of a capacity building trajectory on the same issues. »

World Development Report 2015 calls for knowledge of human mindsets in development policies
June 15, 2015News
World Development Report 2015 calls for knowledge of human mindsets in development policies

On Wednesday June 10, 2015 a presentation was given at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the World Development Report 2015 “Mind, Society and Behavior” (WDR2015). Co-author Ryan Muldoon shared the core insights of the report with policy, practical and research development professionals from the Netherlands. The WDR2015 discusses the limits of rational thinking »

Capitalizing on knowledge in international public-private partnerships
June 4, 2015News
Capitalizing on knowledge in international public-private partnerships

The Ministry of Economic Affairs, department of Agriculture and Nature Knowledge, and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform together with Wageningen University & Research centre organized an expert meeting on the development of international PPPs and the valorization of knowledge by knowledge institutes and the private sector. Researchers from Wageningen UR presented the results of »

Changing the Food Game, understanding agro-systems to support transformation
June 4, 2015News
Changing the Food Game, understanding agro-systems to support transformation

As stated in their letter to parliament, the Dutch government has called on partners from the private sector, civil society and knowledge institutions to use the strengths of the Netherlands to eradicate hunger worldwide within a single generation while establishing a sound basis for sustainably feeding nine billion people by 2050. On June 2, 2015, »

Sixth F&BKP Newsletter
May 20, 2015News
Sixth F&BKP Newsletter

In the sixth newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform presents three new reports conducted within the Platform: the first focuses on the financing of African smallholder farmers; the second analyzes Public-Private Partnerships for food security; and the last reports on the results of the consultation meeting to establish a partnership between the Netherlands and the CGIAR. You can »

Research: Financing of African smallholder farmers offers solutions for worldwide food security
May 15, 2015News
Research: Financing of African smallholder farmers offers solutions for worldwide food security

The Dutch Platform for Inclusive Finance (NpM), AgriProFocus and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) have investigated the bottlenecks that exist to finance smallholder farmers. The research provides insight into how food production systems work and how they can be strengthened with improved financial services. The research report, which was published on May 13, »