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February 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
How immediate and significant is the outcome of training on diversified diets, hygiene and food safety? An effort to mitigate child undernutrition in rural Malawi

This article examined the impacts of training on nutrition, hygiene and food safety designed by the Nutrition Working Group, Child Survival Collaborations and Resources Group (CORE). Undernutrition in children has been detrimental to economic and social development in low-income countries, particularly sub-Saharan Africa. »

February 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Cities, planning and urban food poverty in Africa

This chapter argues that there is a new role for urban planning (which in the African context takes the form of municipal spatial and land use planning) as a discipline to meet the food and nutrition security challenges facing African cities. Food insecurity has not historically been considered an urban planning issue. »

February 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
What roles could private actors play in agricultural adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa?

This discussion brief examines the role of private actors in publicly funded agricultural adaptation projects in sub-Saharan Africa, identifying different types of involvement. The goal is to provide a foundation for exploring ways to expand the role of private actors, and to identify ways in which public climate finance could be used to catalyze and scale up private investment in the sector. »

February 2, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of the homestead food garden programme on food security in South Africa

This paper evaluates the impact of the homestead food garden (HFG) programmes, implemented by the South African government and directed at enhancing food production in order to reduce food insecurity, malnutrition, poverty and hunger. »

February 2, 2018Knowledge Portal
Developments in the remote sensing of soil erosion in the perspective of sub-Saharan Africa. Implications on future food security and biodiversity

This article reviews developments in the application of remote sensing technologies in sub-Saharan Africa with a explicit emphasis on soil erosion monitoring. The remote sensing of soil erosion has gained substantial consideration, with considerable scientific research work having been conducted in the past, due to technological improvements that have resulted in the release of robust, cheap and high resolution datasets with a global footprint »

February 1, 2018Knowledge Portal
Mobile technologies and digitized data to promote access to finance for women in agriculture

This report provides the state of play of current and promising efforts that use mobile technologies and digitized data to close the gap in access to finance for women in agriculture. The evidence that women both drive agricultural production and rely on it for their livelihoods means that greater financial and informational service provision to women, especially through digital channels, could increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their labor. »