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April 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Climate change mitigation beyond agriculture: A review of food system opportunities and implications

This article reviews potential mitigation opportunities across the entire food system, including in pre-production, production, processing, transport, consumption and loss and waste. »

April 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Financing agriculture for a more profitable rural economy

This policy brief discusses finance for agri-value chains. Throughout Africa, concerted efforts have been made to achieve structural economic transformation in agriculture, moving from basic, low-skilled production to diversified, higher value, more sophisticated and competitive production. »

April 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Social entrepreneurship in an inclusive business model: A new business model for sustainable agroforestry

This case study aims to identify critical factors for the implementation and management of an inclusive business model. A number of independent factors influence the implementation of a new business model. The key factor is involvement of a social entrepreneur. »

April 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
How can we measure the health of soil simply and cheaply?

This blog describes two mechanisms to adapt soil health indicator technologies in a simple way and at lower cost, so that they can be applied by smallholder farmers themselves to evaluate the effect of different varieties of tropical forages and their management on the health of their own farm. »

April 10, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of food assistance on food insecure populations during conflict: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Mali

This article aims to evaluate the impact of humanitarian aid on the food security of rural populations in Mali. A quasi-experimental study based on two survey rounds, five years apart, was designed for the Mopti region in Northern Mali. Data was collected from 66 communities randomly selected from within food-insecure districts. Study outcomes include household expenditures and food consumption and a proxy for child nutritional status (height measurements).  Program impact was estimated by combining propensity score matching and difference-in-difference. »

April 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
The growth of food banking in cities of the Global South

This discussion paper examines the globalization of food banking and its growth in the Global South. Through a case study of FoodForward South-Africa, it critically analyzes the roles that urban food banks play in cities of the Global South.  »