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September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Urban food systems governance and poverty in African cities

This book aims to improve our understanding of the connections between urban poverty, food systems, household food security and governance, by focusing on three cities in sub-Saharan Africa. The book argues that an examination of the food system and food security provides a valuable lens to interrogate urban poverty. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Identifying climate-smart agriculture research needs

This article addresses questions raised by climate-smart agriculture (CSA) within three areas: conceptualization, implementation, and implications for policy and decision-makers. The article shows that CSA is both a technical and political concept, requiring the bridging of several disciplines. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Exploring blockchain applications to agricultural finance

This brief set out to understand how the emerging technology of distributed ledger technologies (DLT), also known as blockchain, could enable broader and more inclusive markets for agricultural finance. Any DLT solution to agricultural finance should be as simple and straightforward as possible. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Household dairy production and child growth: Evidence from Bangladesh

This article examines the associations between dairy consumption and child growth in rural Bangladesh. Results show that household dairy production increases height-for-age Z scores by 0.52 standard deviation in the critical 6-23 months of growth window. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Status Report 2018: Catalyzing government capacity to drive agricultural transformation

The Africa agriculture status report of 2018 focusses on the role of state capacity and political will in achieving agricultural transformation in Africa. African countries understand what should be done to trigger transformation, but are faced with capacity constraints that limit their ability to transform. »

September 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
Building a resilient and sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

This book is a collection of papers related to a better understanding of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and to the best policy options for enhancing its resilience and sustainability. It offers technical analyses, policy recommendations and an overview of success stories for agricultural sustainability. »