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February 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food and nutrient gaps in rural Northern Ghana: Does production of smallholder farming households support adoption of food-based dietary guidelines?

This study developed local food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) and studied whether these are supported by the diversity and quantity of the production of a household. Results imply that even when the FBDGs are fully adopted the requirements for several nutrients will not be met. In addition, the nutrient needs and food needs of a household were only marginally covered by their own food production. »

February 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
Protecting growing prosperity: Agricultural insurance in the developing world

This report highlights the current status and future development of agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers around the world. ISF’s agricultural insurance landscape assessment paints a picture of an industry that shows great potential but is struggling to achieve the required scale and product-level refinements to graduate from the donor funding that has carried it to this point. »

February 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
The cost of nutritious food in South Asia

This working paper aims to assess the affordability of nutritious foods in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. Results suggest that there may be strong economic reasons why consumers consume little of the most nutrient-dense foods: They simply cannot afford it. More policies must be implemented to improve affordability of vegetables, legumes, fruits, and animal-source foods. »

February 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
Generation Africa – A landscape study: Youth enterprise in Africa’s agri-food sector

This landscape study seeks to answer the question: “What can we do today to inspire and propel the “agri-food stars” of tomorrow?” The study reveals a window of opportunity to strengthen the ecosystem of support around young entrepreneurs, helping them to build successful enterprises, including high-growth businesses, spurring job creation and a vibrant agri-food economy. »

February 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
Can governments promote homestead gardening at scale? Evidence from Ethiopia

This study analyzes a large and novel survey on the adoption of a nationwide homestead garden (HG) program implemented by the Ethiopian government. Results show that adaption of HGs in water-scarce communities is low (<12%) suggesting water access is the main barrier to HG adoption. In more water-abundant communities, better market access encourages HG adoption; so too does greater public promotion of HGs. »

February 11, 2019Knowledge Portal
Agriculture Finance in Zambia: How can smallholder inclusion be deepened?

This working paper sought to identify ways in which smallholder agricultural finance inclusion in Zambia can be deepened. There are a number of notable gaps that could foster increased finance flows, like the absence of a credit registry that includes the unbanked. One recommendation to deepen smallholder agricultural finance inclusion is to embrace technology that will reduce cost of financial service delivery. »