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April 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Inclusive businesses in agriculture: Defining the concept and its complex and evolving partnership structures in the field

This paper aims to provide a more precise insight into Inclusive Businesses (IBs), from a conceptual perspective and from a more practical one when implemented. Results show that whereas multiple-instrument IBs do obtain improved inclusiveness of low-income communities and smallholder farmers in commercial value chains, issues related to corporate control over resources, lack of knowledge transfer and marginal benefits remain. »

April 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Setting priorities to address the research gaps between agricultural systems analysis and food security outcomes in low- and middle- income countries

This working paper assesses the current state of practice for the representation of food security indicators in agricultural systems models and provides recommendations for improvements in both model formulation and the empirical evidence base underlying it. The assessment found that there is broad agreement at conceptual level about linkages between agricultural systems and food security. However, the extant conceptual frameworks are often not specific enough. »

April 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
What can the Latin American cities of Cali, Quito and Medellín learn from each other’s efforts to build sustainable food systems?

This paper shares various experiences associated with the construction of urban city-region agri-food practices and policies in Latin-America. Two-thirds of the Latin American population lives in cities. This represents a challenge, which is compounded by factors such as migration and climate change. In recent decades, Latin America has witnessed the emergence of initiatives and movements that seek to promote urban and organic agriculture, waste management, short distribution chains and healthier consumption as part of urban development. »

April 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Aligning the food system to meet dietary needs: Fruits and vegetables

This paper discusses strategies for increasing the production and consumption of fruits and vegetables as a path to obtaining adequate diets and increased incomes in domestic and transitional economies. Although often neglected in calorie counts, eating horticultural crops provides critical nutrients for a balanced diet. »

March 29, 2019Knowledge Portal
Catalysing food safety in the domestic horticulture sector in Kenya: The potential link between export production and evolving domestic supply chains

This report presents findings of research which aims to understand the leverage points that can catalyse investment opportunities for enhancing quality and safety in the domestic fresh fruit and vegetables (FFV) sector. Key findings on the supply side include that good production practices are diffused from the export platform by small- and medium scale farmers who are producing FFV for both export and domestic markets. A key finding on the demand site is that there is a clear segmentation of markets that recognize the importance of food safety and those wo do not. »

March 29, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to rural credit markets in developing countries, the case of Vietnam: A literature review

This article focuses on the characteristics of rural credit markets, the determinants of farmer access to markets, the socio-economic impacts of credit access in Vietnam and comparing those of some developing countries. Although positive relationship among credit access, output production, productive efficiency, and total household income are found in most papers; credit also has positively significant impacts on only non-farm income. »