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March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Reducing the gender asset gap through agricultural development: a technical resource guide

This guide (PDF) by IFPRI, explores the intersection of gender and assets in the context of agricultural interventions. Researchers from IFPRI and ILRI worked together and shared the lessons learned from the Gender, Agriculture, and Assets Project (GAAP) activities. The guide aims to: 1) increase the reader’s knowledge about the importance of both gender and »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Nanotechnology in agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture in China: A review

Nanotechnologies have been less developed in agronomy than other disciplines, due to less investment, but nanotechnologies have the potential to improve agricultural production. In this article at Springer Link (PDF), the authors review more than 200 reports on nanoscience in agriculture, livestock and aquaculture in China since the 1990s. The major findings of the research are: »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
The Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture

This toolbox (PDF) provides gender-responsive methods and tools for the development and research community. It is the result of a long-term partnership between the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and CARE International. The participatory toolbox builds on the previously released Gender and Climate Change Research »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Biodigesters to improve milk production in Bolivia

In this project in Bolivia with financial support from Hivos and the technical support of SNV, a technology is used to convert dung into biogas that can be used for cooking and lighting. The slurry left over from this process is used as an organic fertilizer in order to increase the existing pasture yield and »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
City regions as landscapes for people, food and nature

This publication (PDF) by The Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative is focused on how agriculture provides important and reciprocal benefits to the sustainable development of both rural and urban communities. The paper provides short examples of cities, initiatives and projects from around the world with key lessons learned and good practices. »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Growing greener cities in Latin America and the Caribbean

This FAO report (PDF), released at the World Urban Forum 2014, highlights urban and peri-urban agriculture in 10 major cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The report looks at the progress that has been made toward realizing ‘greener cities’ in which urban and peri-urban agriculture is recognized by public policy and included in urban development strategies and land-use planning. The study is based on the results of a survey in 23 countries and data on 110 cities and municipalities. »