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April 20, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food riots and food rights: the moral and political economy of accountability for hunger

This report (PDF) synthesises the findings from four country case studies produced for the DFID-ESRC project. The paper explores causes and consequences of food-related riots and right-to-food movements in Bangladesh, India, Kenya and Mozambique in the period 2007-2012. »

April 20, 2015Knowledge Portal
Blowing the seeds of innovation: How scaling unfolds in innovation processes towards food security and sustainable agriculture

This policy brief (PDF) by WUR presents a summary of the results of a two year strategic research project ‘Innovation systems and scaling in practice’. This project was executed by Wageningen UR as part of the Knowledge Base research programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The booklet highlights three case studies from different countries. »

April 18, 2015Knowledge Portal
Gender matters in farm power

This report explores how gender matters in small-scale farm power mechanization in African agriculture, particularly in maize-based systems. It investigates how inter-household gender dynamics affect women’s articulation of demand for and adoption of mechanization in Ethiopia and Kenya. The study offers a conceptual approach to grasp these gender dynamics, a gender analysis methodology, and a set of recommendations. »

April 17, 2015Knowledge Portal
Transforming rural livelihoods and landscapes: Sustainable improvements to incomes, food security and the environment

This white paper (PDF) from AIRCA elaborates on the benefits of a landscape approach to manage synergies and trade-offs of sustainable intensification in agriculture. Landscapes encompass a diversity of interactions between people and environment, and between agricultural and non-agricultural systems. Healthy landscapes not only exhibit healthy ecosystems, but also sustain productive agriculture and communities. This paper sets »

April 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Effect of farm succession on coffee production in Kenya

Coffee farmers in Kenya are elderly (average 55 years), and reluctant to release coffee farms to the new generation, leading to reduced adoption of new technologies and reduced coffee production despite its profitability and opportunity of expansion. The objective of the research study was to establish the effect of farm succession on coffee production in Kisii County. »

April 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Institutional change towards sustainable agriculture in West Africa

This paper in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability describes why inter- and trans-disciplinary research, accompanied by innovation platforms, is essential in the context of agricultural development in West Africa. The authors argue that an enabling institutional context is necessary to achieve an increase in agricultural production. This will have consequences for setting priorities of »