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June 10, 2015Knowledge Portal
The 10 principles of food industry sustainability

This book identifies the most pressing sustainability priorities across the entire food supply chain and shows, with tools and examples, how producers, processors, packers, distributors, marketers and retailers all play a role in advancing improvement. »

June 9, 2015Knowledge Portal
Advancing health and well-being in food systems: strategic opportunities for funders

The working group of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food commissioned four scoping papers (PDF), one for each of its strategies, from cutting-edge experts in the field of food systems policy and practice. The papers focus on key recommendations for action by funders to promote positive systemic change in food systems and to »

June 9, 2015Knowledge Portal
A climate smart agriculture tool: increasing farming system resilience in East Africa through adoption and mitigation

A team of researchers from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in collaboration with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) carried out a Climate Smart Agriculture Rapid Appraisal (CSA-RA) in four districts in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT). The CSA-RA, part of a project funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), was used as a tool to assess within and between district variations in farming systems, agricultural management practices, challenges for current agricultural practices, and climate vulnerability among smallholder mixed crop-livestock farmers. »

June 8, 2015Knowledge Portal
Seed laws that criminalise farmers: resistance and fightback

This paper by La Via Campesina and GRAIN is further exploring seed laws and legislative processes. They explore how seed laws make farmers’ seeds illegal and which types of seed laws are promoted by the industry. Furthermore, special attention is paid to the struggles of farmers with examples from Africa, America, Asia and Europe. »

June 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
Towards an integrated market for seeds and fertilizers in west Africa

This World Bank Group (WBG) working paper (PDF), explores the development of integrated regional markets and agricultural input supply chains for farmers in West Africa. The paper is a result of consultations with seed, fertilizer, and regional trade experts in the region. The working paper offers recommendations to build on the progress of West African governments that have worked on the development of trade rules and quality control methods. »

June 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Dairy intensification, mothers and children: an exploration of infant and young child feeding practices among rural dairy farmers in Kenya

This article elaborates on the impacts of dairy intensification to human nutrition and household food security. While dairy intensification could improve human nutrition and food security due to higher incomes for the farmers, it could as have negative impacts. This is related to the increasing workload of mothers which could have negative effects on infant and young child feeding (IYCF), since mothers could experience more stress, have less time for feeding and have specific beliefs about the timing and appropriate types of complementary foods. »