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July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Interactive practitioner’s guide for sustainable sourcing of agricultural raw materials

This SAI Platform practitioner’s guide is a reference manual for companies seeking to source their agricultural raw materials sustainably. It is intended for any food and beverage company buying its agricultural raw materials from farmers and farmer organisations directly, or indirectly through supplier companies. »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Increasing agricultural production and resilience through improved agrometeorological services

This publication (PDF) is intended to support the World Bank project “Agroweather Tools for Adapting to Climate Change” in increasing the adaptive capacity of farming communities in Kenya and Ethiopia. The author refers to the creation of financially sustainable weather observation networks in Guinea and the Philippines that are likely applicable to many developing settings, including those of East Africa and the Horn of Africa. The study recommends investment in early warning systems for weather and investment in climate-smart agriculture to help farmers mitigate effects of harsh weather. »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Soils for life

This issue of Farming Matters presents the experiences of farmers who are working successfully, together with others, to improve the health of their soil and their lives. The stories on these pages show that healthy soils increase farmers’ autonomy and long-term productivity. »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Sustainable intensification revisited

This briefing by IIED revisits the term ‘sustainable intensification’. The paper makes a distinction in what it should be according to the authors — a useful guiding framework for raising agricultural productivity on existing arable land in a sustainable manner; and what it should not be — a paradigm for achieving food security overall. The »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
The State of Food Insecurity in the World (SOFI) 2015

This year´s annual State of Food Insecurity in the World report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, takes stock of progress made towards achieving the internationally established Millennium Development Goal (MDG1) and World Food Summit hunger targets and reflects on what needs to be done, as we transition to the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. »

July 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
The Oxford Handbook of Food, Politics, and Society

This Oxford Handbook Food, Politics and Society, edited by Ronald J. Herring, explores the complex interrelationships between food and agriculture, politics, and society. More specifically, it considers the political aspects of three basic economic questions: what is to be produced? how is it to be produced? how it is to be distributed? »