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July 29, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food price watch June 2015

International food prices declined 14% between August 2014 and May 2015, sliding into a five-year low and continuing the sharp price declines observed in previous months. This issue of the Food Price Watch reflects on the unforeseen breadth and depth of the current oil price crash, and the potential impacts it might have on international food prices, poverty, and inequality. It includes following headings: global price trends; domestic price trends; and linking international oil and food prices. »

July 28, 2015Knowledge Portal
The short-term impact of price shocks on food security-Evidence from urban and rural Ethiopia

This study in the Food Security Journal, investigates the impact of food price changes on food security in urban and rural Ethiopia. The results indicate that increases in cereal prices are generally, but not always, associated with households having a lower number of meals and switching to less preferred foods. »

July 26, 2015Knowledge Portal
Export horticulture – empowering female small-scale farmers in Kenya?

This paper in the Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin is the outcome of a study on the international partner project “Changing Gender Roles in Sub-Saharan Horticultural Family Farming” funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A qualitative case study was carried out to understand the impacts on gender inequality of the integration of horticultural smallholdings into the fresh fruit and vegetable (FFV) supply chain to the European market. »

July 25, 2015Knowledge Portal
Picking the fruits: Making horticulture sector development in emerging economies more successful

The purpose of this paper is to support policy makers, development practitioners and private companies with some guidelines for the design and implementation of successful horticulture development strategies. This discussion paper aims to provide some answers to these key questions: (a) How to assess the business case for horticultural growth and development in an emerging economy? (b) What are feasible options for inclusive growth in different horticultural supply chain arrangements? (c) What sort of external (public) support is required and justifiable to achieve inclusive growth and development? »

July 22, 2015Knowledge Portal
How to feed nine billion within the planet’s boundaries: the need for an agroecological approach

This policy brief by the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) explains how agroecology could be a useful tool for creating sustainable and resilient food systems that put farmers in the centre. Drawing on the Planetary Boundaries framework, this brief suggests how agroeocological practices can reduce the pressure created by the existing agriculture practice on each of the nine Planetary Boundaries and pinpoints key interventions for facilitation of agroecological transformation. »

July 20, 2015Knowledge Portal
Investment contracts for agriculture: maximizing gains and minimizing risks

This joint IISD, World Bank and UNCTAD discussion paper marries two substantial bodies of research to show how investment contracts can be set up to promote sustainable development. It presents the top five positive outcomes and the five downsides from private sector investments in large- scale agricultural projects. »