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August 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
Price shocks, vulnerability and food and nutrition security among rural and urban households in Tanzania

This paper (PDF) by the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), investigates the impact of the recent food price crisis on the quantity and quality of the dietary composition of rural and urban households in Tanzania. Results using household data from the 2008/09, 2010/11 and 2012/13 waves of the Tanzania National Panel Survey show that urban households are more vulnerable than rural households to food price shocks. »

August 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
Food price spikes and poor, small economies: What role for trade policies?

This paper in the African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics reviews conceptually, and then empirically for a sample of small and poor economies, the role of trade measures for achieving the social objective of assisting those hurt by sharp changes in food prices. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
The dynamics of the contemporary governance of the world’s food supply and the challenges of policy redirection

This paper in the Food Security Journal identifies the governance dynamics and the international policy architecture that frame contemporary policy actions in relation to the food supply and elaborates on key governance tensions that policy makers need to address to feed the world’s growing population by the mid-21st century. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Youth, conservation agriculture and sustainable development – Engagement insights from Africa

This book aims to stimulate critical dialogue and resolve among readers on truly engaging youth in agricultural transformation. In using Zimbabwe, as the anchorage, the book, holistically scans the nation’s landscape – food and nutrition security, climate change and variability, and the post-2015 development agenda, for examples of innovative thinking, leadership, and action, in youth engagement, and thus, catapults local futuristic-thinking youths to the global stage. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Fruit consumption and production: habits, preferences and attitudes of rural households in Western Kenya

Currently, fruit consumption in Eastern Africa is far below recommended allowances and has implications for micronutrient malnutrition while little is known about the patterns and determinants of fruit production, consumption and marketing. The main research question of this paper (PDF) by Bioversity International and the World Agroforestry Centre was therefore: what are key trends in gender-disaggregated preferences, attitudes and decision-making processes of rural households for fruit consumption, production, and income generated from this activity? »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Ending poverty and hunger by 2030: an agenda for the global food system

This report by the World Bank identifies key issues where the global food system should improve. The food system must become more sustainable. It must also raise the agricultural productivity of poor farmers, improve nutritional outcomes, and broadly adopt climate-smart agriculture that can withstand and mitigate climate change. »