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September 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Optimizing Africa’s food systems

This article argues that the optimization of the agricultural sector in Africa is essential to achieve the SDGs and to ensure a healthy and prosperous Africa. The authors present different policy recommendations that, in their opinion, will not only ensure food security but also will promote inclusive growth. »

September 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Women’s Empowerment in Rwanda: Evaluation of women’s economic leadership through horticulture planting material business

This report by Oxfam, documents the findings of a quasi-experimental evaluation carried out in March 2014 that sought to assess the impact of the activities of the ‘Women’s Economic Leadership through Horticulture Planting-Material Business’ project. This project was implemented in four districts of Rwanda by Oxfam in partnership with Duterimbere, a local organization, between 2011 and 2014. »

September 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Innovation platforms to improve smallholder dairying in India and Tanzania

This report by ILRI reflects on the potential role of innovation platforms as spaces to identify and spread useful innovations associated with dairy production and feeding. It draws examples from MilkIT, a project to promote milk production in India and Tanzania. The idea of innovation platforms is introduced and it is shown how they can »

September 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Review of community seed production practices in Africa

This review consists of two parts. Part one takes a closer look at implementation strategies and models of community seed production practices, while part two focuses on lessons learned and future perspectives. The study covers five case studies in Africa and is based on an analysis of different published and unpublished sources on seed production and seed delivery with a focus on farmer seed management and commercial seed. The review was also informed by interviews with seed system practitioners. »

September 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Agriculture, nutrition, and the Green Revolution in Bangladesh

This paper analyzes agriculture and nutrition linkages in Bangladesh, a country that achieved rapid growth in rice productivity at a relatively late stage in Asia’s Green Revolution, as well as unheralded progress against undernutrition. The authors further show that rice yields have large and positive effects on the timely introduction of complementary foods for young children but not on dietary diversity indicators and that this complementary feeding indicator is positively associated with child weight gain but not with linear growth. »

September 9, 2015Knowledge Portal
Premise of progress – Building human and social capital for Africa’s agricultural success

This blog by Katrin Glatzel on Agriculture for impact highlights the challenges of youth engagement in Africa’s agriculture. Glatzel recommends socio-economic intensification, the integration of innovations and practices from the fields of ecology, genetics and socio-economics to build environmentally sustainable, equitable, productive and resilient ecosystems, to improve the well-being of farms, farmers and their families. »