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November 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Reach, benefit and empower women with financial services

This paper analyzed three cases on women’s access to financial services in agriculture and revealed that an increased access empowered women. Recommended is to develop a focus on female clients, starting by a proper market analysis, and to use communication channels that women are familiar with »

November 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Household-level drivers of dietary diversity in transitioning agricultural systems: Evidence form the Great Mekong Subregion

This study discerns the drivers of household dietary diversity in the context of farmers evolving from subsistence toward commercial production, in the Greater Mekong Region (GMS). The results show that the Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) is found to increase among the sites in a way that is roughly associate with their state of agricultural transition, though differing combinations of market orientation, specialisation, and intensification traits that describe such a transition suggest that the pathway to commercialisation, and dietary diversity, is not a linear one. »

November 12, 2019Knowledge Portal
Urbanisation, dietary change and traditional food practices in Indonesia

This paper examines how changes in the urban environment relate to food expenditures, dietary diversity and traditional practices (food self-production and sharing) in Indonesia, a country that has experienced rapid economic growth and urbanisation over the last few decades. »

November 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Inclusive business models in agri-food value chains: What safeguards for whom?

This article promotes inclusive business models as unique opportunities to combine profitability for firms needing reliable supply from small-scale farmers with market inclusion for those farmers. In environments with weak public institutions, such agreements may be conducive to sustainable income, yet costly or even impossible to enforce. »

November 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Seeds of change: The power of fruits and vegetables to improve nutrition in Tanzania

This report examined the imperative role of fruits and vegetables in combating malnutrition in Tanzania. The major barrier to individual and household consumption of fruits and vegetables was lack of knowledge, including a basic misunderstanding of nutritional needs versus hunger, generational misinformation on cooking vegetables too long to cleanse them of pesticides, and taboos concerning the effects of certain vegetables on male reproductive health. »

November 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
The hunger games: Food prices, ethnic cleavages and nonviolent unrest in Africa

This article argues that nonviolent mobilization is made possible in ethnically polarized contexts when broader cross-cutting grievances are present as they enable local activists to widen their appeal across social lines. The focus is on food price spikes as an example of a cross-cutting issue that is likely to affect consumers from different ethnic groups. »